A Word From The Dean of Students

Dr. Joann Orr

As Dean of Students, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Georgia Bible Institute Inc,  for the body of Christ and the community at large. This   Bible Institute  was born out of a dream to provide quality Christian education to all that desire to attend a Bible Institute  to study the word of God. I believe that this Bible Institute  has put together a very comprehensive Christian educational program so that you the student will be able to obtain an affordable quality Christian education.

Georgia Bible Institute  provides  a broad based Christian theological education to students who are unable to attend full-time classes on a traditional college campus.  This is accomplished through our ""Correspondence Bible Studies Program'' and our local ""Classroom Studies Program.""  

 Many students have desired to enroll in a program of biblical studies, and now God has brought that to fruition through GBI  locally and abroad. GBI is committed to the purpose of educating students for a life time of productive service to the Lord.

Our courses are centered on the Bible, which we believe to be the word of the living God. Our endeavor is to create a hunger for His word and a proficiency in the declaration of the Gospel through studying the word of God.

Our degrees of Biblical Studies will give a strong foundation from which the Gospel will be proclaimed. All degrees of GBI  are of an ecclesiastical nature, and whether granted or conferred, are in the restricted area of Christian ministry, “ For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ according to “ Ephesians 4: 12”.

GBI accepts credits from other instiutions patible with our mission.

For more information about Georgia Bible Institute Inc, you may e-mail Dr. Orr at joann_orr@yahoo.com